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Frequently Asked Question

About Apprenticeship

Qualification and Trades

Graduate and Technician Apprenticeship

Optional Trades


RDAT (Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship Training)

Apprenticeship Training Scheme

What is apprenticeship training?

Apprenticeship training refers to a course of training in any industry or establishment. Apprenticeship training consists of basic training (theoretical instructions) and practical training at an actual work place.

Who is called an apprentice?

An apprentice is a person who is undergoing apprenticeship training.

Who can undergo apprenticeship training?

Any individual, who has completed 14 years of age, is physically fit and having minimum educational qualification prescribed for a trade can undergo apprenticeship training.

What are the benefits of apprenticeship training?

Apprentices get an opportunity of undergoing 'on the job' training and are exposed to real working conditions. They get a chance to work on advanced machines and equipment and learn more about their field. Apprentices become skilled workers once they have acquired the knowledge and skills in a trade or occupation, which help them in getting wage or self-employment. In addition, apprentices get the stipend at the prescribed rates during the training.

Where can apprenticeship training be undertaken?

One can undergo apprenticeship training in any industry/establishments in the Central/State Public Sector or Private Sector, where apprenticeship seats are available.

Is there any reservation under apprenticeship training?

Seats are reserved for Schedule Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Class candidates.

Can a person undergo apprenticeship in States other than his home State?


Can an industry engage apprentices from other States also?


Whether apprentices are trainees or workers?


Who can enter the contract of apprenticeship training with whom?

Contract of apprenticeship is an agreement entered between the employer and the apprentice.

It can also be entered between a TPA or a private organization facilitating apprenticeship as per MOU with the State/ Central Government.

For minor who can enter the contract?

The employer and the guardian

When the apprenticeship training shall be deemed to have commenced?

On the date on which the contract of apprenticeship training has been entered.

Who registers the contract of apprenticeship?

Contract of apprenticeship is registered by State or Central Apprenticeship Advisers.

Or with a TPA. or with the organizations facilitating OJT program as per MOU with State/ Central Government. List of such OTJ programs and TPAs should be provided on DGET website.

Can an apprentice leave apprenticeship training in between?

Yes. He can leave apprenticeship training before completion if he gets employment or gets admission for higher studies.

What is a designated trade?

Designated trade is any trade/occupation/any subject field in engineering/non-engineering/ technology/any vocational course as notified by the Government.

Who is called trade apprentice?

A person undergoing apprenticeship training in any designated trade.

What is the qualification for trade apprentices in designated trades?

8th, 10th, 12th standard and ITI pass-outs are eligible to undergo apprenticeship in designated trades for trade apprentices. In certain trades, B.Sc. pass is also a prescribed qualification.

How many designated trades are available for trade apprentices?


What is the period of training for trade apprentices (8th, 10th, 12th and ITI pass-outs) in designated trade?

Period of apprenticeship training varies according to designated trade. It is 6 month to 3 years. It could last up to 4 years in few trades.

Is there any rebate/concession for ITI pass-outs?

ITI pass-outs get rebate in the period of apprenticeship training.

(For example the duration of training of apprentices in Fitter trade is 3 years ITI pass-outs in Fitter trade will undergo apprenticeship training for only one year. Because rebate for 2 years of training for Fitter trade is provided as the duration of Fitter trade in ITI is 2 years.

What certification is provided to trade apprentice after completion of training?

At the end of training, the apprentice appears at an All India Trade Test conducted by the National Council for Vocational Training in designated trade. Successful apprentice is awarded National Apprenticeship Certificate, which is recognized qualification for employment.

Is there any stipend paid to trade apprentices?

Yes. The minimum rate of stipend per month payable to trade apprentices is as follows, namely:

1st year :70% of minimum wage of semi-skilled workers notified by the respective State or Union territory.
2nd year :80% of minimum wage of semi-skilled workers notified by the respective State or Union territory.
3nd & 4th year :90% of minimum wage of semi-skilled workers notified by the respective State or Union territory.

Who pays the stipend to trade apprentice?

Employers pay the stipend to trade apprentices

What are the obligations of apprentices?

Learn his trade carefully and diligently, to attend practical and instructional classes regularly.

What are leave and holidays for apprentices?

An apprentice shall be entitled to such leave and holidays as are observed in the establishment in which he is undergoing training.

Which Act regulates apprenticeship training?

The Apprentices Act, 1961 regulates the Apprenticeship Training.

Apprentices could also be identified by the TPA or by the party who is allowed to appoint apprentices under an MOU with the State/Central Government.

Where can a candidate find establishment details for apprenticeship?

A candidate can search for establishments who have registered themselves online on the website http://www.ncvtmis.gov.in/Pages/Apprenticeship (data creation is under process).

A candidate could also register with a TPA or with the organizations facilitating apprenticeship program under an MOU with the State/ Central Government.

Who is called technician apprentice?

A person who holds a diploma in engineering / non-engineering and undergoing apprenticeship training in designated trade.

Who is called technician (vocational) apprentice?

A person who holds the certificate in vocational course after the completion of the secondary stage of school education recognised by the All-India Council.

How many designated trades are available for graduate and technician apprentices?


How many designated trades are available for technician (vocational) apprentices?


What is the duration of apprenticeship training of graduate, technician and technician (vocational) apprentice?

One year

What are the rates of stipend for graduate, technician and technician (vocational) apprentices?

Graduate : Rs. 4984 per month
Technician : Rs. 3542 per month.
Technician (Vocational) : Rs. 2758 per month.

Who pays the stipend to graduate, technician & technician (vocational) apprentices?

The stipend for the categories of graduate, technician & technician (vocational) apprentices is shared equally between the employer and the Central Government.

What is an optional trade?

An optional trade is any trade/ occupation/any subject field in engineering/ non-engineering/ technology/ any vocational course as may be determined by the employer.

What is the qualification for apprentice in optional trade?

The minimum qualification prescribed is 8th class pass.

What is duration of apprenticeship training in optional trade?

06 months to 02 years depending upon trade.

How apprenticeship benefits employers

Although employers pay for apprenticeship training, the actual cost to company is minimal. The program includes both classroom and on-the-job training, so apprentices will be producing for the employer while they learn. Apprenticeship improves productivity. The completion of an apprenticeship program results in highly trained professionals who contribute noticeably to the employers’ bottom line and ensures a high level of quality production.

What are the obligations of employers?

Provide the training to apprentice in his trade in accordance with the provisions of this Act, to provide adequate instructional staff for imparting practical and theoretical training and facilities for trade test of apprentices. For any establishment with more than 40 employees (including contractual workers), it is obligatory to engage apprentices.

How many apprentices can be engaged by an industry/establishment?

In a financial year, the establishment shall engage apprentices within a band of 2.5% to 10% of the total strength of the establishment including contractual staff. An establishment with total strength 100 can engage a maximum of 10 apprentices and minimum of 3 apprentices.

For enrolling/engaging apprentices where to apply?

For enrolling/engaging apprentices kindly apply on:


Apprentices can also be appointed through a TPA as well as well as under programs offered by the private organization as per the MOU with the state & Central Government.

Which Ministry is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act Centrally with respect to trade apprentices?

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act.

Who is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act for trade apprentices in Central Government Undertakings/Departments?

Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship Training (RDATs) are responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act for trade apprentices in Central Government Undertakings/Departments.

Where the RDATs are located?

RDATs are located at Chennai (Tamilnadu), Faridabad (Haryana), Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), Kolkata (West Bengal), and Mumbai (Maharashtra).

How many States comes under RDAT Chennai?

Kerala, Lakshadweep, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu.

How many States comes under RDAT Faridabad?

Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, and Rajasthan.

How many States comes under RDAT Hyderabad?

Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana.

How many States comes under RDAT Kanpur?

Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand

How many States comes under RDAT Kolkata?

A & N Island, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Odisha, Tripura, West Bengal.

How many States comes under RDAT Mumbai?

Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Who advises the Government on laying down of policies and prescribing norms & standards with respect to Apprenticeship Training Scheme?

Central Apprenticeship Council is an apex statutory body that advises Government.

Who is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act for trade apprentices in State Government Undertakings/Departments and Private establishments?

State Apprenticeship Advisers are responsible for monitoring of the implementation of the Act in respect of trade apprentices in State Government Undertakings / Departments and Private Establishments in their respective State.

Who is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act in respect of Graduate, Technician and Technician (Vocational) Apprentices?

Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development is responsible for implementation of the Act in respect of Graduate, Technician & Technician (Vocational) Apprentices. The monitoring is done through four Boards of Apprenticeship Training located at Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai & Chennai.

Which Ministry is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act Centrally with respect to trade apprentices?

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act.

Who is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act for trade apprentices in Central Government Undertakings/Departments?

Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship Training (RDATs) are responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Act for trade apprentices in Central Government Undertakings/Departments.